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Media (15)
[:id]Media bisa diundang melaui pesan singkat atau WhatsApp atau mengajukan proposal ke redaksi media yang bersangkutan melalui fax/email/alamat kantor. Fax/email/alamat kantor bisa dilihat di koran dan website masing-masing media. Sedangkan untuk nomer WhatsApp masing masing jurnalis bisa menghubungi humas UB untuk detilnya.[:en]Media can be invited via short message or WhatsApp or submit a proposal to the editor of the media concerned via fax/email/office address. Fax/email/office address can be found in newspapers and websites of each media. As for the WhatsApp number, each journalist can contact UB’s PR for details.[:]
[:id]Biasanya kami mengundang wartawan pendidikan seperti Radar Malang, Surya, RRI, Malang Post, dan Info Kampus. Namun jika dirasa acara yang diadakan akan menarik bagi media, seperti kedatangan RI I, II, Menteri/Pejabat Negara, dan Acara Expo Inovasi maka kami tidak membatasi media yang datang.[:en]Usually we invite educational journalists such as Radar Malang, Surya, RRI, Malang Post, and Info Kampus. However, if it is felt that the event held will be of interest to the media, such as the arrival of RI I, II, Ministers/State Officials, and Innovation Expo Event, we do not limit the media who can attend the event.[:]
[:id]Artikel bisa dikirim ke email: [email protected] dan dilengkapi foto. Foto mempunyai ukuran yang sesuai dan tidak pecah jika diperbesar dan tidak kabur.[:en]Articles can be sent to email: [email protected] and must include photos. The photo must have the right size and does not break when enlarged and sharp enough / does not blur.[:]
[:id]Artikel tentang inovasi dan prestasi paling banyak diminati media.[:en]Articles about innovation and achievement are usually the most sought after by the media.[:]
[:id]Nanti bisa dikirim untuk halaman citizen journalism. Alamat pengiriman redaksi citizen journalism bisa dilihat di halaman koran atau website. Sedangkan Untuk TV bisa dikirim dengan soft copy video. Ukuran dan standar video bisa dilihat di website media bersangkutan.[:en]It can be sent again later to the citizen journalism page. The address for sending citizen journalism editorials can be found on the newspaper page or website. As for the TV media, it can be sent with a soft copy of the video. The size and standard of the video can be seen on the media’s website.[:]
[:id]Panitia diharapkan tidak menghalangi jurnalis untuk meliput acara. Dan membeda-bedakan antara jurnalis media partner dengan non partner. Karena semua media sama dan mereka sama-sama mencari berita. Pembedaan antar media menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial dan ketidakharmonisan hubungan dengan UB.
Jika ada anggaran berlebih panitia bisa menyediakan konsumsi bagi awak media.
Jika acara dilakukan di luar kota Malang maka harus ada kendaraan dan bantuan transport bagi media.
Jika acara dilakukan di luar kota malang namun media yang diundang terbatas maka panitia akan mengirimkan artikel dan foto selanjutnya akan dikirim admin humas ke grup jurnalis.[:en]The committee is expected not to prevent journalists from covering the event. And not to discriminate between media partners and non-partner journalists. Because all media are the same and they are both looking for news. Discrimination between media will cause social inequality and disharmony in relations with UB.
If there is an excess budget, the committee can provide food for the media crew.
If the event is held outside the city of Malang, there must be vehicles and transport assistance for the media.
If the event is held outside the city of Malang, but the invited media are limited, the committee will send articles and photos, which will then be sent by the PR admin to the journalist group.[:]
[:id]Bisa menghubungi Humas UB untuk di bantu permasalahannya. Upaya ini bisa dilakukan melalui pembuatan hak jawab.[:en]You can contact UB Public Relations to get help with the problem. This effort can be done through the right of reply of media.[:]
[:id]Kontak kontak media nasional bisa menghubungi humas.[:en]Contacts for national media can be obtained by contacting UB’s PR.[:]
[:id]Jika ingin benar-benar tayang maka bisa mengajukan advetorial[:en]If you serious about publishing it, you can submit an advertorial to us[:]
[:id]Masing-masing media mempunyai nilai nominal untuk advetorial yang berbeda-beda. Untuk besarannya silahkan menghubungi bagian bendahara keuangan humas UB. Dana advetorial disediakan oleh pihak penyelenggara kegiatan dan tidak disediakan oleh humas. Kecuali ada kesepakatan tertentu dengan humas UB.[:en]Each media has a different nominal value for different advetorials. For the amount, please contact the financial treasurer of UB’s public relations. Advertorial funds are provided by the event organizers and not provided by public relations. Unless there is a certain agreement with UB’s PR.[:]
[:id]Bagi UKM Pers atau mahasiswa UB bisa mengajukan proposal. Tim humas akan menjadwalkan dan mendampingi untuk melakukan Wawancara. disertai daftar pertanyaannya. Daftar pertanyaan akan diserahkan pada sekretaris rektor atau sekretaris wakil rektor untuk dipelajari terlebih dahulu.[:en]For UKM Press or UB students, please submit a proposal first, accompanied by a list of questions. The PR team will schedule and assist to conduct the Interview. The list of questions will be submitted to the secretary of the rector or the secretary of the vice rector to be studied first.[:]
[:id]Humas tidak menyediakan honorarium bagi penulis[:en]Public Relations does not provide honorarium for writers[:]
[:id]Membuat surat pengajuan yang ditujukan ke Rektor, surat tersebut akan di disposisi ke Kasub Kearsipan dan Humas[:en]Write a letter of submission addressed to the Rector, the letter will be directed to the Head of the Archives and Public Relations subdivision.[:]
[:id]Setelah advertorial terbit, media harap melengkapi administrasi SPJ seperti invoice, bukti tayang, dan faktur (jika ada) kemudian akan dibuatkan kuitansi dari UB yang harus ditandatangani dan distempel pihak media. Setelah administrasi tersebut selesai pencairan bisa dilakukan.[:en]After the advertorial is published, the media must complete the SPJ (accountabilities) administration such as invoice, proof of presentation, and invoice (if any) then a receipt will be made from UB which must be signed and stamped by the media. After the administration is complete, the disbursement can be done.[:]
[:id]Saat ini difokuskan untuk mahasiswa aktif terlebih dulu. Jika sudah alumni, mohon segera backup data untuk menghindari kehilangan data.[:en]We are currently focused on active students first. If you are already alumni, please backup your data immediately to avoid data loss.[:]