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Umum (9)

Category: Umum

[:id]Tamu mengisi buku tamu dan menyerahkan kartu identitas (KTP/SIM) kepada resepsionis. Resepsionis memberi kartu pengenal sebagai tamu dan mempersilahkan menuju sekretariat pimpinan. Sekretariat pimpinan menanyakan keperluan tamu kemudian menyampaikan kepada pimpinan. Jika pimpinan berkenan, tamu dipersilahkan masuk ke ruang pimpinan kembali dan sebaliknya jika pimpinan tidak berkenan. Setelah selesai, tamu dipersilahkan mengambil tanda pengenal di resepsionis. Alur penerimaan tamu pimpininan bisa diakses melalui:[:en]The guest fills out the guest book and submits an identity card (ID card/driver’s license) to the reception. The receptionist then gives an identification card as a guest and leads him to the secretariat. The secretariat asks the purpose of the visit and then reports to the top management. Ifthe top management decides to welcome the guest, the secretariat will lead the way; otherwise, he will not be able to meet the top management. After completing the meeting, the guest is directed to take the ID card at the reception. This procedure can be accessed through:[:]

Tags: orang tua, umum
Category: Umum

[:id]Buat surat permohonan permintaan ATK ke Kabag Barang Milik Negara. Staf bagian gudang melakukan pengecekan ketersediaan ATK Jika ATK tersedia akan diserahkan ke pemohon dan jika ATK tidak tersedia akan diadakan sesuai permohonan. Alur bisa di download:[:en]You should write the request to the Head of Property. The warehouse staff will check the availability of the items requested. If it is available, it will be submitted to the applicant; otherwise, it will be held according to the request. The flow can be downloaded from[:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Ajukan surat permohonan ke Kabag Umum dan HTL UB melalui Sekretaris Bagian UHTL di gedung Rektorat Lt.4. Petugas akan mengecek apakah gedung/fasilitas masih kosong atau sudah ada yang memimjam. Jika belum terpakai maka akan dibalas bisa dipakai, dan sebaliknya. Alur peminjaman gedung/fasilitas bisa di akses melalui:[:en]You should send the request letter to the Head of General Affairs and HTL UB through the Secretary of the UHTL Section in the Rectorate Building 4th Floor. The officer will check whether the building/facility is still empty or someone has borrowed it. If it not in scheduled to be used, the request can be granted. The flow of building/facility loan can be accessed through:[:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Ajukan surat permohonan kepada Kabag UHTL ditandatangani peminjam dan diketahui Wakil Dekan 3 fakultas. Jika disetujui, kendaraan bisa dipergunakan.[:en]You should submit the request to the Head of UHTL, signed by the borrower and acknowledged by Vice Dean III of the faculty. The vehicle can obly be used if the request is approved.[:]

Tag: mahasiswa
Category: Umum

[:id]Pemohon mengajukan surat permohonan kepada Kabag UHTL minimal 1 hari sebelumnya. Jika kendaraan tidak terpakai, maka koordinator kendaraan akan mempersiapkan kebutuhan kendaraan dan pengemudi sesuai disposisi atasan, dan sebaliknya jika kendaraan terpakai semua maka permohonan tidak bisa dilayani atau diminta mencari alternatif lain. Alur peminjaman kendaraan dinas bisa diakses melalui:[:en]The applicant can submit the request to the Head of UHTL at least 1 day in advance. If the vehicle is not used, the vehicle coordinator will prepare the vehicle and driver needs according to the disposition of the superior. When the vehicle is all used, the application cannot be served. The flow of official vehicle borrowing can be accessed through:[:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Spanduk/baliho/umbul-umbul yang akan dipasang harus mendapat persetujuan dan stempel dari Bagian Umum. Caranya mengajukan surat kepada Kepala Bagian Umum jika disetujui, maka spanduk akan di stempel diijinkan dipasang selama jangka waktu tertentu.[:en]Banners / billboards to be installed must obtain approval and a stamp from the General Section. Once the Head of the General Section approved, the banner will be stamped and allowed to be installed for a certain period of time.[:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Sudah ditetapkan melalui Peraturan Rektor No 67 Tahun 2018. Apabila masih dalam jam kerja tidak ada biaya apabila di luar jam kerja biaya disesuaikan lewat Pertor Diatas. Bus (baru) 40 kursi : Rp 1.200.000/hari, Bus 50 kursi : Rp. 1.000.000/hari, Bus 30 kursi : Rp. 800.000/hari, Bus 29 kursi non AC : Rp. 500.000/hari. Untuk BBM dan driver biaya dari pemohon.[:en]It has been stipulated through Rector’s Regulation No. 67 of 2018. Within working hours, it is free of charge. When it is used outside working hours, the fee is adjusted through the Regulation. 40 seater bus (new) 40: Rp. 1,200,000/day, 50 seater bus : Rp. 1,000,000/day, 30 seater bus : Rp. 800,000/day, 29 seater bus non AC : Rp. 500,000/day. Driver expense and fuel allowance should be fulfilled by the user.[:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Silahkan datang ke Ruang PINTER, di lobi rektorat lantai 1. Untuk persyaratan dapat diakses melalui [][:en]Please come to the PINTER Room located in the Rectorate lobby on the 1st floor. Requirements can be accessed via [][:]

Category: Umum

[:id]Silahkan datang ke Ruang PINTER, di lobi rektorat lantai 1. Untuk persyaratan dapat diakses melalui [] dan panduan teknis video di [][:en]Please come to the PINTER Room located in the rectorate lobby on the 1st floor. As for the requirements, you can access it through [] and technical guide at [][:]